The truth about self publishing on Amazon for Kindle Readers


Kindle publishing is a great way to make extra income, but many people aren’t sure how to do it or where to start. It doesn’t have to be difficult though!

The top kindle authors are making more money then ever.

There is no denying that the self-publishing movement has been a huge success.

According to Amazon, the top 10% of Kindle authors make over $10,000 a month in royalties and over 1 million dollars a year! That’s what you call making it big on your own terms.

The average author makes $1,500 per month which is more than most traditional authors make in an entire year.

It gets better: If you’re writing for other readers like myself who enjoy romance or mystery novels with characters that are easy to root for, there are plenty of genres where you can earn up to six figures!

Its easy to get your book on kindle

The process of publishing your book on Amazon for Kindle is simple, free and can be done from anywhere. You also don’t need any software or tech skills to get started.

In fact, the whole process takes just a few minutes:

  • Sign up for a KDP account (free) at if you don’t already have one
  • Upload your book file (you will find this in your computer’s desktop folder) using the upload tool in KDP Select
  • Set your price point and release date (you can also change these later)
  • Create a cover image for your book (from scratch or by using free templates)

Amazon is not paying for the books you buy, instead paying the authors directly for each book sold.

Amazon is not paying for the books you buy, instead paying the authors directly for each book sold. These payments are based on how many pages are read and how many books are borrowed. In other words, the more people read your book, the more money you make from it. Also, if someone buys a copy of your book but then borrows another one of yours instead of reading it themselves, that counts as a sale as well!

You can make a lot of money with a book on amazon kindle, provided you know what you are doing.

If you have a good book cover, and a good book description, you can make a lot of money with your self-published books on Amazon. You’ll also need an audience who will buy your books.

How to write a book on amazon in 1 hour

You don’t need to be a writer to write a book. You don’t need to be a good writer, or even an expert in your field. All you really need is some time and the willingness to learn something new. In fact, if you follow the steps outlined below, I can guarantee that within 1 hour from now you’ll have published your first book on Amazon’s Kindle platform.

Anyone who can write a blog post can write a kindle book, even if they don’t know they are writing one

Writing a book on Amazon is easy. Anyone can do it—including you, even if you have no idea what you are doing!

The difference between writing a blog post and writing a Kindle book? The answer is simple: no one will read your blog post. However, if you write the right kind of content that appeals to the right readership (I talk more about this later), then people will buy your Kindle book.

The goal of any business person should be to create value for their customers by helping them solve problems or provide solutions for them. As an author and entrepreneur myself, I’ve learned that it’s important to think about who my target audience is before I start writing anything—and this applies whether it’s marketing material like an email newsletter or even something as seemingly small as creating content on social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter.

You have no idea how easy it is to write a novel.

Writing a novel is easy, and you can do 80% of the work in less than an hour if you know how.

Most people don’t realize that writing a novel is easier than they think. The hardest part about writing a novel is not knowing how to write one! If you follow my guide for writing your own Kindle book, I will teach you exactly how to plan out your story and turn it into something that’s readable by others. In fact, even if you’ve never considered yourself much of an author before now (or if English isn’t even your first language), there’s no reason why anyone shouldn’t be able to put together their own book from scratch with very little effort at all.

All of this being said: I must reiterate that it might still take some time before your first draft becomes something worth sharing with other people—but only because we have so many different ways of telling stories now thanks to computers and smartphones.

Why become an independent author or publisher? It’s not just about the money!

As an independent author, you have the freedom to write whatever you want. You don’t have to follow the rules of traditional publishing and wait for your book to be accepted by a publisher or editor. Instead, you can publish your own books on Amazon’s Kindle platform and make them available immediately.

You also have complete control over what price your book sells at—and that’s important! Since there is so much competition in this market, it’s critical to set yourself apart by pricing your book appropriately. We’ll talk more about this later in this article.

The final benefit of becoming an independent author? Money! You can make money from people reading your books (and if they find them worthy enough for their library collection). Though popular authors like JK Rowling may rake in millions of dollars per year from having their novels made into movies and other forms of media adaptations (more on these later), most writers only earn a small percentage from each sale—which means many years before their first royalty check arrives…if ever!

Kindle publishing is a great way to make extra income, but many people aren’t sure how to do it or where to start. It doesn’t have to be difficult though!

Kindle publishing is a great way to make extra income, but many people aren’t sure how to do it or where to start. It doesn’t have to be difficult though!

I’m going to show you exactly how you can write and publish your own book on Amazon Kindle in 1 hour. Can anyone write a novel? Yes! Is it easy to make money writing for kindle? In some cases yes, but it depends on the type of book that you are writing and who your audience is. How can I make money with my book on amazon kindle? This depends entirely on how much effort you put into marketing yourself and your book which we will cover in more detail later in this article.


In conclusion, if you want to be able to make money from your book, then it’s best to go with a big publisher. If you want more control over how much money you make and how much time it takes for your book to get published then self-publishing on Amazon is the way to go.

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